Asset Buyers-Stop the 2020 Dumpster Fire from Spreading in 5-4-3-2-1! (Series #1)

Asset Buyers-Stop the 2020 Dumpster Fire from Spreading in 5-4-3-2-1! (Series #1)


Member: $100.00
Non-Member: $200.00Your price

Published: 1/11/2021

Asset buyers play a significant role in the credit ecosystem- an ecosystem rife with combustible risks. Tune in as Donald Maurice of MauriceWutscher and Leah Dempsey of ACA International present five emerging issues -- “accelerants” if you will -- to watch for in 2021: Regulation F; Pennsylvania; Identifying interest and fees; The NYC DCA rule, and a rundown of hot circuit court cases. Join us for this session and check out what more we have in store for you as ACA is set to make 2021 the year of the Asset Buyer for education, networking, and advocacy.


  • Leah Dempsey, VP and Senior Counsel of Federal Advocacy, ACA International Washington, DC

  • Donald Maurice, Principal, Maurice Wutscher LLP Flemington, NJ